Review: Cinderella Liberator

Cinderella Liberator Cinderella Liberator by Rebecca Solnit
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well-known feminist author Rebecca Solnit (Men Explain Things to Me) has given us a fairy tale retelling of Cinderella for modern times. Less judge-y about Cinderella's stepsisters, giving mice and rats and lizards a choice in the matter of transformation, and realizing the poor idea of marrying a prince you barely know (look what happens in Into the Woods for instance?), this is unquestionably an all new take on Cinderella. Some little girls may be disappointed that Ella doesn't want to be a princess, but other little girls are going to be thrilled that she becomes a small business owner (a bakery) and can ride her beautiful horses any time she wants. And her sailor mother comes home, to boot!

While I enjoyed this retelling, I'm not sure I felt the Rackham illustrations (though I love them) feel harmonious with this modern heroine. Solnit's writing is beautiful, though, and who wouldn't want a dress that looks like a starry night?

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